Veterinary Compounding Case Studies

Veterinary Compounding Case Study Review

Bob Brensel


An innovator, collaborator, and champion of veterinary compounding, Bob Brensel has created this presentation to help demonstrate some of the compounding techniques used at ScriptWorks that deliver remarkable results. 

Through case studies, this presentation illustrates several veterinary collaborations that led to positive outcomes.

Presentation Highlights

  • Low Dose Naltrexone uses, case studies, and dosing for dogs and cats
  • Bi-Phasic Gel, a ScriptWorks exclusive that’s thermo-reversible (fluid when cold, gel at body temperature)
  • A remarkably effective burn gel formulation
  • Many before/after photos to illustrate progress/success with our exclusive compounded formulations.
  • Guidance on how to use ScriptWorks to provide animals with 

Animal wound care healing Amikacin Diphenhydramine Misoprostol Naltrexone Nifedipine Phenytoin Pracasil-plus spray Gel cream Medication Rx Prescription Veterinary Walnut Creek California Compounding Pharmacy near me
Wound healing pracasil Gel cream Medication Rx Prescription Veterinary Medicine Walnut Creek California Compounding Pharmacy

Chai, full recovered, post-surgery.

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Why ScriptWorks?

Veterinarians & pet lovers trust us.

We have the helped animals with advanced therapies for over 20+ years.

What Are Veterinarians Prescribing?

We work with California’s top veterinarians to offer animals compounded medications for challenging conditions.