Hair Restoration: Oral & Topical Therapies through Compounding
ScriptWorks collaborates with many hair restoration doctors in the Bay Area to formulate prescription-grade hair loss therapies using Minoxidil Sulfate, Finasteride, Tretinoin, Spironolactone, Fluocinonide, & More.
Personalized Hormone Therapy from ScriptWorks
Bob Brensel, RPh, shares his thoughts about the pharmacy, their patients, and personalized hormone replacement therapy.
Treatment Options for Pets with Cancer
The prospect of chemotherapy for your pet may seem intimidating or even scary. The good news is pets typically tolerate chemotherapy much better than humans.
Veterinary Compounding: Custom Burn Gel
When Dr. Stacey Holz, Veterinarian, called during the 2018 Camp Fire, she had a very special request.