Hormone Therapy for Men & Women

Hormone Therapy for Men & Women

ScriptWorks is your hormone therapy partner.

As we age, our bodies change. One of the most significant changes is in our hormones, which are chemical messengers that regulate everything from hunger to libido. When women undergo these changes, it’s referred to as Menopause. When men undergo these changes, it’s referred to as Andropause. For women and men, changes in hormone levels can lead to a host of undesirable side effects.

Side Effects of Hormone Imbalance

For Women (W), For Men (M)

  • Decreased libido (W)
  • Hot flashes (W)
  • Irregular menstrual cycle (W)
  • Moodiness (W/M)
  • Night sweats (W)
  • Decreased cognition / “brain fog” (W/M)
  • Loss of strength (M)
  • Loss of stamina (M/W)
  • Painful sexual intercourse (W)
  • Dry skin (W/M)
  • Thinning hair (W/M)
  • Feelings of depression (W/M)
  • Pre-menstrual syndrome (W)
  • Sleep disturbances (W/M)
  • Loss of motivation (M)
  • Feelings of anxiety (W/M)
  • Erectile dysfunction (M)
  • Loss of muscle mass (M)
  • Vaginal dryness (W)
  • Weight gain (W/M)
  • Fibrocystic breasts (W)
  • Endometriosis (W)
  • Infertility (W)
  • Osteoporosis (W/M)

ScriptWorks partners with physicians to re-balance hormones.

At ScriptWorks, we fill hormone prescriptions for Bio-Identical Hormone Replenishment (BHRT.) BHRT uses hormones that are chemically identical to the ones produced in the body, derived from plants. This natural hormone approach allows for customized prescriptions, which promote better results and fewer side effects.

Bio-Identical Hormone Replenishment aims to restore hormone balance through testing, replenishment of certain hormones, and feedback from the patient. Compounding is a relationship between the patient, the patient’s physician, and the compounding pharmacist. They work together to provide customized treatments developed specifically for each patient’s needs.

For more than 20 years, the pharmacists at ScriptWorks have been working with physicians to help patients achieve hormone balance through custom compounded BHRT prescriptions. We fill BHRT prescriptions from physicians, and we also provide physician referrals, counseling on how to take your prescriptions, and at-home test kits to measure hormone levels.

Our commitment to quality.

At ScriptWorks, our commitment to quality extends to every part of our practice. We are PCAB-accredited, which puts us in the top 1% of compounding pharmacies nationwide. You can find out more about the rigors of a PCAB-accreditation right here. To learn more about the steps we take to ensure compounding success, please see our Section on Quality on our homepage.

Physician Testimonials

Rachael Cabreira, NP
Rachael Cabreira, NPInnovative Wellness
ScriptWorks is a unique and special place. I have strived to collaborate with colleagues that provide not only quality service but exceptional customer service to their customers. We have created such a special relationship and experience for our clients working together, so they continue to get the quality of care and attention that they need to optimize their overall well-being. Bob is always available to answer questions and personalize care for my patients. His exceptional team also continues that level of dedication. I am so thankful and appreciate the dedication and care that Bob and his staff bring to the pharmacy, but also in the community, and the support he gives my practice. I am honored to be in the community working with you and your team! All of my patients appreciate ScriptWorks and that means the world to me!
Dara Thompson, N
Dara Thompson, NAzzolino Chiropractic Neurology and Integrative Wellness
I choose ScriptWorks pharmacy for my patients because of their rigorous quality control, which is by far the most critical feature of any pharmacy.

Beyond that, they go out of their way to be helpful and informative and are truly a pleasure to work with.

Potential Benefits of Hormone Therapy

When hormone balance is achieved, side effects can be diminished and often eliminated. Click the arrow in each section below to see the specific potential health benefits associated with bringing different hormones back into balance.

  • Improve energy levels
  • Improve sex drive
  • Improve sleep quality
  • Improve mood
  • Improve concentration, memory, mental acuity
  • Reduce frequency and severity of hot flashes
  • Reduce vaginal dryness/thinning
  • Reduce risk of osteoporosis by restoring bone strength
  • Better maintenance of muscle mass and strength
  • Reduce risk heart disease and stroke
  • Improve cholesterol levels
  • Reduce the risk of depression
  • Improve mental clarity
  • Improve sleep
  • Improve vaginal dryness
  • Improve skin
  • Prevent heart disease
  • Prevent osteoporosis
  • Improve sexual desire
  • Improve sleep
  • Reduce severity/symptoms of PMS
  • Reduce the chance of migraines/hormonal headaches
  • Reduce the risk osteoporosis
  • Reduce the risk of heart disease
  • Improve insomnia
  • Decrease menopausal symptoms
  • Improve sexual desire
  • Improve cognition/memory
  • Improve energy/stamina
  • Improve muscle strength and bone density
  • Reduce the risk of heart disease
  • Reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease
  • Improve energy
  • Improve memory/cognition
  • Improve immune system
  • Improve sexual desire
  • Reduce the risk of heart disease
  • Reduce cholesterol and percentage of body fat

Hormone Therapy Medications

ScriptWorks fills physician’s prescriptions for hormones with one or more of the following:


There are three main types of estrogens: E1 (Estrone), E2 (Estradiol), and E3 (Estriol). Prescriptions may include one estrogen, a combination of estriol and estradiol (bi-est) or all three estrogens (tri-est).


Declines rapidly in menopause. Typically taken at night to maximize the sleep benefit.


Prescribed to men and some women. Available in a number of forms.


The most abundant steroid hormone in the body. Converts to estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone.


Has a synergistic effect in combination with DHEA. Converts to DHEA, estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. Low level is possible indicator of stress as it inhibits the production of cortisol.

Hormone Therapy Forms

Bio-Identical Hormone Replenishment Therapy (BHRT) is administered through different forms, like creams, capsules, and troches. ScriptWorks coordinates with the physician to customize every hormone prescription to the patient.

Immediate-Release Capsules

Compounded to dissolve without delaying or prolonging absorption, therefore the onset of effect is faster. However, it may require multiple doses throughout the day.

Slow-Release Capsules

Compounded to dissolve over time in order to be released slower into the bloodstream while having the advantage of being taken at less frequent intervals.

Oil-Filled Capsules
Oral Liquid Suspensions

May take with food or right after a meal to prevent stomach upset.

ScriptWorks primarily uses a hypoallergenic cream bases which deliver hormones in a stable, non-irritating creamy dosage form.

We also compound with anhydrous gels and creams to help with stability.

Vaginal Suppositories, popular tiny vaginal inserts, and vaginal tablets are available.

Vaginal Creams are a popular choice for hormones that are prescribed to be delivered vaginally, with or without an applicator.

These creams can be made without any potentially irritating chemicals that might be causing burning or irritation.

Some hormones are prescribed in our anhydrous gels, designed specifically for vaginal applications and stability.

Sublingual troches are either soft gelatin base or a harder polyglycol base. Either can be quartered if needed and are made to be dissolved under the tongue or in the cheek.

ScriptTabs™ are very tiny sublingual tablets that typically dissolve under the tongue within a minute. This dosage form is very popular as patients can get potentially quicker absorption than other sublingual methods.

Commercially available hormones like Testosterone Injection and Human Chorionic Gonadropin. Injections are readily available as are injection kits, instructions and patient instruction videos.