Menopause and Women’s Hormones Testing

women's hormones testing

Author: Bob Brensel | President, Pharmacist | ScriptWorks

Bob Brensel, RPh, earned his Pharmacy Degree at University of the Pacific in Stockton, California in 1980. Former California Pharmacists Association’s Award Winner for Recognition of Outstanding Achievement in Compounding Pharmacy. Read More →

Learn how women’s hormone testing may help you address Hormonal Imbalances.

Menopausal Effect on Hormone Levels

Menopause comes on gradually during a certain period of a woman’s life. It’s an eventual decline in hormones that brings an end to female fertility.

As hormones like estradiol and progesterone diminish, specific symptoms may suggest a hormone imbalance. We’re talking about quality of life and what can be done to improve this desire for living healthier and happier lifestyles.

Perimenopausal women might experience mood swings, hot flashes, night sweats, migraines, weight gain, foggy thinking, palpitations, memory lapses and vaginal dryness. Some women might experience decreases in bone or muscle mass or lack of energy or strength, or fatigue.

What are my options?

One option for women is to schedule an appointment with their practitioner to get their hormone levels checked through blood testing.

Another option is to utilize a non-invasive method of measuring hormones through at-home saliva testing. Saliva testing, which is available at ScriptWorks with or without a prescription, is an excellent way to assess your hormone levels. Hormones like cortisol, estrogen, progesterone, DHEA sulfate, and testosterone can be tested while you relax at home.

Blood Serum Test vs. Saliva Tests

“With saliva measuring the bioavailable (non-protein bound) fraction of circulating hormones that can freely diffuse into tissues, it provides a more accurate assessment of topical hormones supplementation than serum. Serum levels do not rise significantly after topical dosing. By contrast, saliva levels do — reflecting tissue delivery of the topically delivered hormone.”

Source: The ZRT Laboratory Blog

3 Reasons You May Want Saliva Testing

ScriptWorks provides the most advanced saliva testing available.

Saliva Testing Kits (Female/Male Saliva Profile I)


Includes a complimentary 15-minute consultation with one of our clinical pharmacists who can then send the results to your healthcare practitioner.

Interested in purchasing a Saliva Test Kit?

Contact us today.

Our Saliva Testing Lab features lots of good information about hormone balance, women’s hormones testing, and saliva testing.

Speak With A Hormone Expert

Discuss your concerns, ask any questions you may have, and receive expert guidance on potential hormone therapy options. We can provide you with hormone test kits and step-by-step guidance through your journey to hormone balance.

Call ScriptWorks today to book your free consultation at 925-934-4400, Monday – Friday, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM.

Every formulation we make at ScriptWorks requires a prescription from a licensed prescriber. If prescribers are interested in our service, they should email us at or call us at (925) 934-4400.
The formulas and/or statements listed are provided for educational purposes only. They are compounding ideas that have commonly been requested by physicians, and have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Formulas and/or material listed are not to be interpreted as a promise, guarantee or claim of therapeutic efficacy or safety. The information contained herein is not intended to replace or substitute for conventional medical care, or encourage its abandonment. Every patient is unique, and formulas should be adjusted to meet their individual needs.